In 2016, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice arrived in cinemas. The film – which starred Ben Affleck in the role of Batman – saw the Caped Crusader locked in battle with Superman, and featured a supporting role for Wonder Woman.

Batman v Superman marked Affleck’s debut as Batman, and it was the first live-action movie to feature the Caped Crusader since 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises. But was it connected to The Dark Knight Rises? Was Batman v Superman a sequel? Everything you need to know is detailed below. 


Is Batman v Superman connected to The Dark Knight Rises?

Image: ©Warner Bros. Pictures/DC Entertainment

If you are wondering if Batman v Superman is a sequel, then yes, yes it is – but it isn’t a sequel to The Dark Knight Rises.

The Dark Knight Rises was the third and final entry in Christopher Nolan’s seminal Dark Knight trilogy. The trilogy – which starred Christian Bale as Batman – included: Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008) and The Dark Knight Rises.

Image: ©Warner Bros. Pictures/DC Entertainment

Bale appeared in all three films and once the Dark Knight trilogy was concluded, this particular Batman tale was told. The story was not continued in a new movie and it certainly wasn’t connected to Batman v Superman. 

Batman v Superman was instead a sequel to Man of Steel (2013). Directed by Zack Snyder, Man of Steel kick-started a new series of films, beginning with a picture focusing on Superman. 

The Man of Steel story was then continued in Batman v Superman, which introduced Batman and Wonder Woman to this series. It was followed by Suicide Squad (2016), Wonder Woman (2017) and Justice League (2017), amongst others. 


I hope this clears up any confusion. The Batman movie series can get a little jumbled at times, and it can often be difficult to navigate your way through. 

If you would like more information on the Batman movie series as a whole (which films are connected and which aren’t etc), then I recommend you check out my post: What are the Batman movies? Alternatively, take a look at one of the recommended reads below.

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