Batman has had many adventures on the big screen, some of which are perfect for young audiences, while others are much more suited to a more mature crowd. I have previously written posts highlighting the Best Batman movies for kids and the Best Batman movies for teenagers, but what about families?

Trying to navigate your way through all of the Batman movies to find the films that are appropriate for families can be a bit of a minefield. Figuring out what Bat-films can keep everyone entertained, while not venturing into the ‘too dark’ territory is often quite difficult.

But don’t worry – I can help!  

Today I am taking a look at seven Batman movies that can be enjoyed by the whole family. These are films that offer enough suspense and spectacle to ensure that all ages will have a blast with the Caped Crusader.



Batman: The Movie (1966)

Image: ©20th Century Fox/DC Entertainment

For family movie No.1, I suggest heading back to the 1960s for the Adam West-starring Batman: The Movie (1966). This colourful romp is not only packed with action, it also features some great Bat-gadgets, including the infamous ‘Bat-shark repellent’, which is ideal for crime-fighting out on the ocean.

What makes Batman: The Movie so wonderful for families is the sheer amount of humour in the movie, which helps to keep things light and fun throughout. Plus, the film includes four villains, The Joker, Catwoman, Penguin and the Riddler, which keeps Batman and Robin very busy throughout the story.



Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)

Image: ©Warner Bros./DC Entertainment

Often regarded as one of the best animated Batman films of all time, Batman: The Mask of the Phantasm is a great movie which can be viewed by all members of the household. For the younger generation there’s action-a-plenty, including an epic showdown with the Joker, while for older members of the household there’s a strong story about Bruce Wayne’s past.

If you have never seen Batman: Mask of the Phantasm I urge you to give it a whirl. It is beautiful to look at, but the story takes the film to another level, and younger viewers will simply adore the antics of the Joker.



Batman Forever (1995)

Image: ©Warner Bros. Pictures/DC Entertainment

Over to live-action for the third movie on this list and it’s one which is perhaps the darkest of all the choices – although it is still family viewing. Batman Forever is big on action set pieces and humour, and even bigger on vivid colours and one-liners.

Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones ham it up as the Riddler and Two-Face, while Val Kilmer and Chris O’Donnell join forces as the Dynamic Duo. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride – this is a Batman movie blockbuster!



Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader (2016)

Image: ©Warner Bros./DC Entertainment

Back to animation for this one and also back to the era of the 1960s, via this love-letter to the Adam West show. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader sees West reprise the role of Batman for a feature-length cartoon adventure which plays up the comedic elements of the original series, while throwing in lots of in-jokes for long time Bat-fans.

The movie is suitable for all-ages, especially those members of the family who grew up with West and long to see the Batman they remember from their childhood. It is most certainly a movie that deserves to be shared across the generations and one that is sure to bring a smile (or two) to your face.



Batman vs. Two-Face (2017)

Image: ©Warner Bros./DC Entertainment

Batman vs. Two-Face (2017) is a follow-up to Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader and marks the final appearance of Adam West’s Batman. Once again, the Dynamic Duo are back fighting crime, but this time around they come face-to-face with Two-Face – as voiced by Star Trek legend, William Shatner.

This is very much a Bright Knight tale, rather than a Dark Knight story, ensuring it is perfect family viewing which can be enjoyed by all. So waste no time, head to the Bat-poles and enjoy what’s on offer!



Justice League (2017)

Image: ©Warner Bros. Pictures/DC Entertainment

Back to live-action and this time it is a team-up movie, with Batman saving the world from an alien invasion with the help of Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg and Superman! The movie is a big, bold blockbuster which adds a softer touch to some of the more contemporary DC movies.

As with Batman Forever, Justice League does take a slightly darker step than the other entries on this list, but it is still family-friendly viewing. The Flash and Wonder Woman steal the show, but make no mistake, Batman gets in some good screen time!



Teen Titans GO! To the Movies (2018)

Image: ©Warner Bros./DC Entertainment

And finally, not technically a ‘Batman’ movie, but I’ve included it here because Robin is one of the main characters, plus the Caped Crusader does put in a few appearances.

Teen Titans GO! To the Movies is a true gem of a film that should be watched by all Batman movie fans (and comic book enthusiasts). The film sees the Teen Titans take on Hollywood in a story that involves time travel, in-jokes, and a lot of laughs.

Trust me when I say this is ideal for viewing for all. Guaranteed laughs a-plenty.



As a character, Batman has a broad appeal which means audiences of all ages can find much to enjoy in his stories. The movies I have suggested above should meet that broad appeal head-on and I hope you find my picks useful.

More importantly, enjoy sharing these Batman stories!


The seven best Batman movies for the whole family:

  • Batman: The Movie (1966)
  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)
  • Batman Forever (1995)
  • Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader (2016)
  • Batman vs. Two-Face (2017)
  • Justice League (2017)
  • Teen Titans GO! To the Movies (2018)

Oh, and if you wish to go beyond the above list, then I have some additional suggestions for family appropriate Batman movies. These include:

  • Batman & Robin (1997)
  • Batman: Subzero (1998)
  • JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time (2014)
  • Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2018)

Happy viewing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post – I do hope it has proved helpful to you. If you would like to know more about Batman, then check out one of the recommended read pages below.

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